Work Pass Alert – New Work Pass to Attract Tech Talents

Nov 23 2020
The Economic Development Board just announced plans for a new work pass called Tech. Pass to be launched in January next year. This is a pass targeted to attract founders, leaders and technical experts with experience in established or fast-growing tech companies. The pass will be valid for 2 years upon issuance, with a one-time renewal of a subsequent 2 years (total 4 years validity only).

Applications will open on January 2021, with 500 places available upon launch. More information about what is required for the application will only be announced then.

Application Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must satisfy any two of the following conditions:-
  • Drawn a fixed monthly salary of at least SG$20,000 in the past 1 year
  • At least 5 years of experience in leading role in a tech company (with valuation /market cap of at least US$500mil or at least US$30mil funding raised)
  • At least 5 years of experience in leading role (e.g. major contributions to design, development and/or deployment) in the development of a tech product that has at least 100,000 monthly active users or at least US$100mil annual revenue
After 2 years, the applicant has to meet a different set of criteria to be eligible for the one time renewal as well.

Differences between Tech.Pass and Employment Pass (“EP”)

The biggest difference between EP and Tech.Pass is the flexibility Tech.Pass offers as seen in the table below:- 

 EP Tech.Pass

Not allowed to start companies

Start and operate one or more tech companies

Only allowed to be an employee of the sponsoring companyBe an employee in one or more Singapore-based companies at any time
Would require a new EP to be applied when changing employers, or would need to apply for EntrePass when starting a companyTransit between employers or to an entrepreneur

Only allowed to be a director of the sponsoring company

Be a consultant or mentor, lecture in local institution of higher learning, or be an investor and director in one or more Singapore-based companies


Work Pass Alert – 新加坡明年将推出新准证来吸引科技专才

Nov 23 2020


科技准证计划于2021年1月起开放申请,共有500 个名额。更多关于申请所需的文件和申请过程的信息届时将会宣布。



  • 过去一年的固定月薪至少2万新元
  • 曾在市值至少5亿美元或拥有至少3000万美元资金的科技企业担任领导职位至少五年
  • 曾主导科技产品的研发工作至少五年,这项科技产品的每月活跃使用者人数须至少10万人,或产品能带来至少1亿美元收入


科技准证 (Tech.Pass) 和工作准证 (EP) 的差异


EP 工作准证 Tech.Pass 科技准证






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